Last weekend of February at the allotment
A dry few days/weeks at the allotment has meant that I have been able to be up there every few days. Getting all of the small jobs done. The sunsets have been the icing on the cake!
First of the forced Rhubarb picked.
Just look at their beautifully vibrant stems, I grow it for it’s beauty really! I personally don’t like Rhubarb, but a lot of my neighbours and my sons family do. So it gets used well.
The girls getting their dust baths in the tunnel this weekend. Very important for their feathers and wonderful to be able to let them into the the tunnel safely while they aren't allowed to roam.
Narcissi starting to bloom; spring is well and truly on it's way!
Last week I started to sow some of my seeds; here are the broad beans making their debut as the first seedlings of the year.