Allotment Notes


Using this time to keep creative has been important to me; it is a way to keep my motivation up and get that sense of achievement whilst it is not possible to work as normal. ⁠

So, I would like to introduce my new project to you. Having spent a lot of time at my allotment in recent weeks I wanted to share my trials, progress and daily snippets.⁠

I hope that you will following along and possibly even join in?⁠ Whether you have an allotment, garden or windowsill, post your photos and videos and use the hashtag #allotmentnotes in your posts. This way I hope that we can create a little community of growers! 🌱⁠



I have been sharing posts across my social media channels, click the links at the bottom of the page to take a look!



Click here to see all of my Allotment Notes videos on:

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